New Puppy Checklist & Puppy Purchase Procedure
Welcome to Schraderhaus K9. We are a German Shepherd Dog Breeder, focusing solely on working line German Shepherd Dogs.
Our goal is always to produce healthy, loyal and intelligent offspring for our clients.
In order to hold a puppy for you, and remove a pup choice from our available pups,
Here are the steps:
1. We require a deposit of $500.00 to reserve a pup for you. We are unable to hold a pup without a deposit.
We accept bank check, or payment through Zelle, which is an app available through most banks.
2. With this deposit, IF PUPS ARE NOT YET BORN, we allow new pup purchasers to be on 2 litters, but only IF not yet born.
Once pups are born, pup owners on their newborn litter must decide within the first 2 weeks of birth if they intend to stay on their 1st litter
choice or wish to be removed from that first litter and wait for their second litter choice.
3. Deposits are not refundable, but are able to be rolled over to another litter in the event there is no conception
or not enough pups to cover your deposit position. Date of Deposit will set your pick # in line for pick choice of puppy.
Pick# of pup is established by the date the deposit is sent,...with tracking # (with photo sent to my cell of the tracking #)
to confirm date and time deposit is sent. In cases of non conception or not enough pups born to cover your deposit,
you will be rolled over to a new litter.
4. Final Payment for your pup is due at 5 weeks of age
5. Individual pictures will be taken at a time beginning at 7 weeks of age and posted on their litter page.
6. Puppy choosing time will be minimum 7 weeks of age, (but sometimes longer), so we can see a bit more
of their personality and temperament as much as possible before they are ready to send to their new homes.
NOTE: When we have a pup born for you in your 1st chosen litter, you must confirm if you want to stay on that litter, or if you wish
to be taken off, and go on to wait for your 2nd litter choice. There should be at least the number of pups, male and/ or female, which will cover your puppy pick # on the list for that litter. However, You do not have to make your choice for WHICH pup, until choosing begins @ 7 weeks of age.
Deposits: Should you decide you are not able to take the puppy after you've confirmed and committed that it is your litter choice for your pup, we do not move you to a later litter, and your deposit is forfeited and transaction for puppy sale is void.
Our goal is always to produce healthy, loyal and intelligent offspring for our clients.
In order to hold a puppy for you, and remove a pup choice from our available pups,
Here are the steps:
1. We require a deposit of $500.00 to reserve a pup for you. We are unable to hold a pup without a deposit.
We accept bank check, or payment through Zelle, which is an app available through most banks.
2. With this deposit, IF PUPS ARE NOT YET BORN, we allow new pup purchasers to be on 2 litters, but only IF not yet born.
Once pups are born, pup owners on their newborn litter must decide within the first 2 weeks of birth if they intend to stay on their 1st litter
choice or wish to be removed from that first litter and wait for their second litter choice.
3. Deposits are not refundable, but are able to be rolled over to another litter in the event there is no conception
or not enough pups to cover your deposit position. Date of Deposit will set your pick # in line for pick choice of puppy.
Pick# of pup is established by the date the deposit is sent,...with tracking # (with photo sent to my cell of the tracking #)
to confirm date and time deposit is sent. In cases of non conception or not enough pups born to cover your deposit,
you will be rolled over to a new litter.
4. Final Payment for your pup is due at 5 weeks of age
5. Individual pictures will be taken at a time beginning at 7 weeks of age and posted on their litter page.
6. Puppy choosing time will be minimum 7 weeks of age, (but sometimes longer), so we can see a bit more
of their personality and temperament as much as possible before they are ready to send to their new homes.
NOTE: When we have a pup born for you in your 1st chosen litter, you must confirm if you want to stay on that litter, or if you wish
to be taken off, and go on to wait for your 2nd litter choice. There should be at least the number of pups, male and/ or female, which will cover your puppy pick # on the list for that litter. However, You do not have to make your choice for WHICH pup, until choosing begins @ 7 weeks of age.
Deposits: Should you decide you are not able to take the puppy after you've confirmed and committed that it is your litter choice for your pup, we do not move you to a later litter, and your deposit is forfeited and transaction for puppy sale is void.
Puppy Checklist
Be Ready!
1. Final Payment for your pup is due at 5 weeks of age, to stay on our list. (Including Shipping costs, if needed.)
2. Have your home or yard ready and secure to safely contain your new pup when it goes home with you. .
3. Pups should be inside with family as much and as long as possible, but minimum to age 6 months.
4. We recommend crate training for your pup as soon as he/she arrives home with you.
We don't approve of the wire crates for long periods of time, or when being used by your pup without supervision.
We find them to be unsafe, as a strong willed pup can easily break out of them, and can be seriously injured, should they
become trapped in a loosely held together wire side panel.
A better and safer option for your pup is the plastic airline approved shipping crates.
5. Owners should have purchased the puppy kibble that is recommended and being fed to your pup by your breeder.
Make sure you have located where to buy your kibble, and have the kibble IN YOUR HOME at the time pup arrives.
We are feeding NutriSource Lamb and Rice. Find a supplier and get kibble ordered and in your home before puppy arrives, so there are no diet changes for your young pup as puppy enters it's new environment.
This time can be very stressful for your puppy, and you don't want to add to that by a food change. Young pups are sensitive
to changes of diet, and If you change food at this time, You will most likely have a good case of diarrhea to deal with. Diarrhea
can quickly develop into a serious medical emergency if it gets out of control, so please be mindful of what your pup is eating.
1. Final Payment for your pup is due at 5 weeks of age, to stay on our list. (Including Shipping costs, if needed.)
2. Have your home or yard ready and secure to safely contain your new pup when it goes home with you. .
3. Pups should be inside with family as much and as long as possible, but minimum to age 6 months.
4. We recommend crate training for your pup as soon as he/she arrives home with you.
We don't approve of the wire crates for long periods of time, or when being used by your pup without supervision.
We find them to be unsafe, as a strong willed pup can easily break out of them, and can be seriously injured, should they
become trapped in a loosely held together wire side panel.
A better and safer option for your pup is the plastic airline approved shipping crates.
5. Owners should have purchased the puppy kibble that is recommended and being fed to your pup by your breeder.
Make sure you have located where to buy your kibble, and have the kibble IN YOUR HOME at the time pup arrives.
We are feeding NutriSource Lamb and Rice. Find a supplier and get kibble ordered and in your home before puppy arrives, so there are no diet changes for your young pup as puppy enters it's new environment.
This time can be very stressful for your puppy, and you don't want to add to that by a food change. Young pups are sensitive
to changes of diet, and If you change food at this time, You will most likely have a good case of diarrhea to deal with. Diarrhea
can quickly develop into a serious medical emergency if it gets out of control, so please be mindful of what your pup is eating.